Mosque Carpets in Dubai, Abu Dhabi And Al Ain - What Are The Features of Best Mosque Carpets?
Mosque Carpets can last for years without the need for replacement. However, it is important to remember that the carpet is subject to a great deal of traffic and should be sturdy yet soft. Moreover, congregation members kneel on the carpet during prayers, so texture is important. Keeping these factors in mind, it is best to invest in a high-quality mosque carpet. Traditionally, mosque carpets have been made of wool, but there are other materials available as well. One popular material is musalla, which is a 100% natural Turkish wool. This type of carpet is soft and durable, and it is very comfortable to walk on. The Star Navy Blue Border Wool Masjid Carpet is a good example of this. It measures 10 inches by 12 inches and is incredibly durable. Prevent electrical shocks from damaging the carpet Mosque carpets are a great way to improve the decor of a mosque. They are durable and blemish-resistant, making them a perfect choice for religious institutions and other religious ...